Comparing Online vs Offline Printing: Pros Cons for Your Business

When it comes to getting your plastic cards printed, making the right choice between online and offline services can be a bit like finding a needle in a haystack. But don't worry, we're here to make things super simple! Let's dive into the nitty-gritty of both options so you can make an informed decision without breaking a sweat. And if you find yourself needing a hand, just shout out to us at 800.835.7919 .

Whether you need a batch of loyalty cards for your business, secure access cards for your office, or anything in between, there's a printing solution out there for you. Our mission is to guide you through the benefits and drawbacks of each choice so you can confidently pick what's best for your biz. So, let's get rolling and weigh out those pros and cons!

Remember, no matter which route you choose, Plastic Card ID is with you every step of the way. We stock an impressive selection of card printers and refill supplies for those who prefer to keep things in-house. Or, if you're after a hands-off approach, we ship top-quality plastic cards nationally to meet your needs.

Online printing is all about convenience and efficiency. Imagine getting your printing sorted with just a few clicks that's the magic of the internet for you. But like any good thing, it comes with its own set of considerations.


You can order from anywhere at any time whether you're sipping a latte in a cafe or sitting in your jammies at midnight. Plus, with the ability to compare prices and services easily, you're likely to snag yourself a sweet deal. You also get a sea of design templates to help make your cards look professional without hiring a designer.

Offline printing, on the flip side, gives you the personal touch. Walking into a local print shop means you can chat with the experts, feel the materials and see samples up close.


It's personal, and it's tangible. You get to meet the team that will bring your project to life and ask all the questions you want. Plus, if there's a mistake, it's much easier to sort out when you can talk face to face. Trust us, it can save you from a serious headache.

Some might think that online printing could compromise on quality, but that's not always the case. Many online services offer superb products that rival any local print shop.

Offline can give you that assurance of quality through in-person proofing. However, remember that quality is what you make of it you'll find top-notch options both online and offline. What matters is who you choose to trust with your printing needs. Got questions? Just dial 800.835.7919 .


When your business needs cards, it often needs them yesterday. So, how does Plastic Card ID stack up in the race against time? Well, we're sprinting at full speed to get your job done!

Online printing typically offers speedy service, but the shipping can add unexpected days onto delivery. But hey, that's what tracking numbers are for, right? Keep tabs on your parcel and plan accordingly so that your plastic cards arrive just when you need them.

Offline printing may be quicker if the print shop is just around the corner, and you can avoid the delivery van altogether. But meticulous custom jobs might need more time on the press, so always check with the pros first.

If you're in a rush, online services can be lifesavers, offering rapid-fire production times on standard designs. But don't mistake fast for flimsy many online printers are equipped with the latest tech to ensure quality isn't sacrificed on the altar of speed.

Offline printers pride themselves on their craft, and while that might mean a little extra wait time, the result is often well worth it. The key is open communication to ensure your deadline is doable.

Adequate planning can save the day. Whether you pick online or walk into a store, knowing your timeframe can help us help you better. And if you're in a pinch, don't stress call us at 800.835.7919 , and we'll explore all the options to get your job done ASAP.

Also, consider the times of the year when printing services are swamped. Holiday seasons or the end of financial years are peak times, so get ahead of the rush to avoid disappointment.

Online printers are open 24/7, which is perfect for night owls or those in different time zones. Even if the local shop is closed, you can get your order going online.

If face-to-face interaction is essential and you prefer the reassurance of human contact, local shops might be your best bet. Sure, they have opening hours, but nothing beats chatting over your project with someone who gets it.

Caught a typo after hitting 'order'? With online services, making changes can be tricky once your order's in the system. But, breathe easy they usually have customer support ready to assist.

Offline shops can be more flexible with on-the-spot changes, especially if you nab them before printing begins. Keep those lines of communication open, and don't hesitate to pick up the phone and give us a ring if you need advice.


Let's talk dollars and sense for a moment. You're running a business, so every penny counts. Investing in your own printer could save you cash in the long run, but the initial outlay ain't peanuts.

If you're leaning toward online printing, you might find some sweet deals. Bulk orders often come with discounts, and you won't have to worry about maintenance costs for printers you don't own.

Local printers might have higher overheads, but they might also offer competitive pricing, especially if you're bringing in regular work. Don't be shy to negotiate and find a price that fits your budget.

Buying your own printer requires an upfront investment, sure. But think about the freedom of printing cards on demand, customizing on the fly, and never running out at inopportune times.

On the other hand, online services often provide pricing scales that decrease as your order size increases. Great for big jobs, but what if you only need a handful of cards?

Always read the fine print. Some online deals seem too good to be true and they might just be. Watch out for hidden shipping costs or handling fees that can inflate your final bill.

With local printers, what you see is often what you get. There's less room for surprise charges, and you can discuss all costs upfront.

Consider how often you need printing services. Occasional big orders might benefit from the discounts online printers offer.

Regular small batches? A local printer who knows your business could offer the flexibility and pricing you need. And remember, Plastic Card ID is here to offer advice or answer any questions at 800.835.7919 .

Time is money, so consider the convenience factor. Online printing saves you the trip to the local store, but waiting for delivery takes time too.

With an offline service, you pop down, chat, and pick up your job often all in the same day. You need to weigh up what's most valuable for your workflow and schedule.


Getting your cards to look just right is crucial, and thankfully, customization is available whether you go online or offline. The difference lies in the level of guidance and flexibility you can expect.

Online printers provide a plethora of templates and often have design tools that let you tweak to your heart's content. Great if you know what you're doing or are happy with a template.

Offline, you've got someone to bounce ideas off of, and they can provide instant feedback on what will work best for your cards. This back-and-forth can be invaluable for nailing the perfect design.

Sometimes templates feel like square pegs for round holes. They're good enough but not perfect. What then?

Custom jobs can be where offline printers shine. They can tailor the job precisely to your needs, and you can get involved in every step of the proofing process.

Want to dabble in design? Online printers can be a playground for your creativity, with user-friendly interfaces that let you create cards that scream 'you'.

But if you hit a creative wall, it might be time to bring in the experts. An offline printer can step in and take your ideas from 'meh' to 'wow'.

Life's full of surprises, and sometimes you need to pivot fast. That's when flexibility becomes your best friend. Online services may offer rapid revision cycles, but personal service can often accommodate quicker turnarounds for changes.

If you need support or have questions as you work through your design options, reach out at 800.835.7919 .

Standing out from the crowd is the name of the game. Online printers might limit you to their available options, which could cramp your unique style.

Offline shops tend to offer more bespoke services, helping you to print cards that make a statement all their own.


No matter how tech-savvy you are, sometimes you hit a snag. That's when customer support becomes your lifeline. Both online and offline providers offer support, but the kind of help you'll receive can vary quite a bit.

Online services often have chatbots and help centers, so help is usually just a click away. But if you're the type who prefers a human touch, this might not cut it for you.

Face-to-face support from a local printer means you can discuss your needs in person and get immediate feedback priceless when you're on a tight schedule or need to solve complex issues.

Online printing is reliant on technology, which is mostly a good thing until it isn't. When websites crash or files won't upload, it's customer service to the rescue.

Local printers won't give you tech woes, but they're not immune to equipment issues. The upside is they're usually on standby to troubleshoot and keep your project on track.

Working with a local printer can help build long-term relationships that benefit your business. They get to know your brand and can make tailored suggestions that you might not have considered.

Online printers can provide excellent service, but there's less opportunity for that kind of business camaraderie. It's more transactional but no less effective in delivering what you need.

Got feedback? Great! Sharing it can help improve service. Online printers rely heavily on reviews, and they usually take customer feedback very seriously.

Local shops offer a more direct line for praise or concerns, and you can discuss issues in real time. They value their community reputation, so they tend to act swiftly on your comments.

If you've got questions and you need answers like, yesterday, who you gonna call? Well, ideally, it's Plastic Card ID at 800.835.7919 . We offer unparalleled customer service, whether you need help with online or offline printing.


When printing cards, especially for secure access, security is no joke. You want assurance that your sensitive data is handled with care.

Online printers have robust security measures to protect your data, but as with anything online, there's always a slight risk. Make sure you go with a reputable service with solid reviews and a clear privacy policy.

With offline printing, there's less risk of digital interference, and you can discuss security measures directly with the shop. Plus, you know exactly where your data is going no mysterious cloud involved.

Online services should offer encryption and secure data handling practices. Don't be afraid to ask providers about their protocols to keep your data safe.

Local print shops might not need such stringent digital security, as much of your data will be transferred in person or via direct network connections.

When dealing with confidential information, you need to trust your printer implicitly. Online providers should offer guarantees about how they handle sensitive data.

An offline provider gives you the opportunity to look them in the eye and establish that trust on a personal level. There's something comforting about that human assurance.

Sure, peace of mind isn't something you can put a price tag on, but it's super important. When it comes to your business's security, choose the option that makes you feel most comfortable.


When you're busy running a show, you need the ordering process to be as straightforward as possible. Time is of the essence, and you want to get in, get out, and get on with your day.

Online ordering systems are designed for ease of use. Once you've got an account set up, reordering is often just a case of a few taps and clicks. And heck, you can do it from anywhere even from the beach, if that's your thing.

Want a more hands-on approach? Walking into a print shop means you can discuss your needs, hand over designs, and even see proofs then and there. That's ease of ordering with a personal touch.

Got a repeat order? Online systems usually save your previous orders, making reordering a breeze. It's a great time-saver, especially if you need to stick to a tried-and-true design.

Offline shops may not have the same slick reordering systems, but they know their regulars. They'll likely have your previous orders on file and can help you get a repeat job set up with a quick call or visit.

When ordering online, automated systems can guide you through each step. But if you prefer a guiding hand, remember we're just a call away at 800.835.7919 .

Offline, expect more of a guided tour. Print shop staff can help you navigate choices, materials, and designs for a smooth experience from start to finish.

Feeling daunted by all the options? Sometimes, diving into online ordering can be a bit much. Simplify your life by seeking personal assistance, and don't be afraid to pick up the phone or walk into a store for guidance.


Alright, let's wrap this up with some final thoughts. Whether you choose online or offline, the right provider should align with your business values, needs, and expectations.

Consider the type of cards you need, the frequency of your orders, the level of customization required, and, of course, your budget.

And don't forget, the team at Plastic Card ID is here to offer you the best of both worlds. Whether you're tech-savvy and love the convenience of an online service or you value the personal touch of local printing, we've got you covered. Still have questions or ready to place an order? Give us a shout at 800.835.7919 , and let's make some printing magic happen!

You know your business better than anyone. Picking a printing solution is no different than any other business decision it's all about finding the right fit.

Think about your long-term goals, the image you want to portray with your cards, and how printing fits into your overall strategy.

There's no one-size-fits-all answer here. Each method has its ups and downs, and what works for one business might not suit another.

Take a beat to consider everything we've discussed. Weigh the pros and cons, crunch the numbers, and listen to that gut feeling.

Our team at Plastic Card ID is passionate about printing and even more passionate about helping you succeed. We're not just a service provider; we're your printing partner. Got a question or need to place an order? We're always here for you. Call 800.835.7919 for assistance, and let's get your plastic cards printed to perfection!


After exploring the pros and cons of online vs. offline printing, it's time for you to take the reins. Consider all that you've learned and choose the option that serves your business best. Regardless of your decision, Plastic Card ID pledges to provide impeccable quality and seamless service.

No matter where you are in the decision-making process, our friendly team is ready to help you in any way we can.